Aayala corporation debt-free through this week

June 20, 2073-

The Ministry is also the convener of the correspondence debt
Loans 80 million, 83 million monthly profit
Nepal Oil Corporation has been free of debt within a week. This month's profit corporation to liquidate the plans. Means to pay the debt corresponded to mantralale also the convener of the NAC are imposed after it has been prepared.

The corporation began to swing to the convener of the MoF letter to repay government debt has, 'Corporation is a high official said, "We are preparing to pay back the loan in line." It is now a monthly profit of Rs 83 and a quarter. The same amount as a lump sum Corporation is preparing to be. According to the official, the NAC has a certain amount of savings. The amount to be used in emergency situations said.

Value adjustments to its inability to political interference had failed Corporation Loan losses went and took the fuel was supplied. Sarakarasamgai to ease supply and Citizens Investment Fund, Employees' Provident Fund and commercial bank loan was taken. NOC from 2061 to 2068 repeatedly by the government and the Telecom 36 billion 86 million loan was taken.

According to the Ministry of Municipal spokesperson Mukunda Ghimire has taken 12 billion to pay only Rs 64 million rnamadhye 80 million remaining. Citizens Investment Trust 9 billion 38 million, Employees Provident Fund, 12 billion and 60 billion, bank loans 2 billion 24 million has already been paid NOC. 2071 Mid-automatic cost as the corporation is profit. Profit while paying the same loan from. 'Now only Rs 80 million loan, "said a spokesman," we pay the debt within a week. Then we go to profit. "

After the bonus distribution to corporate debt free is the way is open. 2066 The board had decided not to pay the debt without bonus distribution. The annual profit of the same Law had not been able to share the bonus. NAC 15 billion in fiscal year 2071/72 was a profit. Ghimire spokesman debt that would be the first priority, said the expansion of the depot.

"Regarding the meaning of the bonus and the board is blocked," he said, "we are giving first priority to expansion of the fuel depot." The international market price of crude oil below $ 30 a barrel ride Corporation profit has risen sharply. During the blockade had wished Supply Corporation would profit even more. Even now, the international market price of crude oil barrel is around $ 4 9. The international market if the price of fuel in proportion to a corner here.

International prices continue to drop in price adjustments did not let anything Corporation. Corporation to pay the loan and interest is kept separate title. The other, which was the high naphasameta. For similar reasons, is going to be a short space of 36 billion debt free. Karporesansa Indian Oil (IOC) has sent 41 million profit fortnightly price structure of the Corporation is Rs 57 lakh. The new price list 15/15 day sends liter fuel. NOC adapting profit / loss has been adjusted.

According to the NOC dijelabaheka all profit. According petrol by Rs 5 3 9 Money, kerosene Rs 1 9 40 Money, money, profit LP gas is 8 Euro 45. 99 to Rs 16 per liter of aviation fuel money antika flights, aviation fuel antarrastriyatarpha 27 Rs 34 money is profit. The IOC said the loss of the data for 12 states. Profit corporation in the fiscal year 2065/66 was Rs 3 billion 11 million. At that time the price of oil in the international market due to slowdown was much less. Since then, the Corporation was continued deficit.

NOC deficit in 2066/67 to Rs 84 million was reached. Increased to 3 billion 11 million reached in 2067/68. 206 9 9 billion in handing over Rs 53 million was reached. 206 9/70 then decreased to 2 billion loss fell 5 million. 2070-71 deficit again increased to 8 billion 30 million was reached. Corporations and financial institutions loan loss after the Ministry of Finance with the fuel was being imported. Rs 36 billion in loans to the corporation had reached 86 million to 70 million.

Corporation within the opacity, the leakage and fuel price adjustment when tanker is worsening experts said.
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