Belgium disappear Wales semi-final

Kathamadaumh this time losing to Belgium, excellent results from expelling Britons country influences Wells has been able to enter the semi-final win out.
Nepali context, this morning, in the second quarter to a great match, a strong rival, Belgium, 3-1 win over Portugal in Wells-final is out.
Wales could not be sustained by Decade Belgium suruvatimai game lead him to no avail. Beljimayaka for the lead in the 13th minute of the match Wales naingagolanale first-nil draw and conceding two goals in the second semifinal on Wednesday.
Ashleigh Williams for Wales 30th minute equalized. Finished in the first half 1-1 second half Wells added two more goals.
Defense game in the 55th minute for Wales, Belgium, holding the solution lineup robsona kanule a goal to the lead to 2-1.
Rokinevala Wales was obtained. For its 85 th minute of the game crisa gantarale Sam's cross pass bhoksale header scored the 3-1 victory sure.
Belgium returned home with Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo will now clash with Wales. Poland Portugal has reached the penalty shoot-finals.
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