China made udanatastari search telescope / 30 greater than the football field

Greater than 30 football fields
BEIJING: China has the world's largest telescope to make the whole work. 185 million dollars made it the telescope 4 thousand 5 hundred panel is sealed.
The telescopes detect presence Aliens may be udanatastari means. 5 hundred meters round the last panel of the telescope has been connected recently.
According to China's state-controlled television CCTV in September it will start its work. It is made up of 185 million dollars, China's Guizhou Province, southwest of the telescope are marked.
1.6 miles dayamitara of the telescope 4 thousand 5 hundred pyalana has been connected. This telescope is the size of 30 football grounds.
From the telescope started working in space 1 thousand light years wide tarakobarema will be possible to collect information.
This project was started in China in March 2011. The final date to complete it in September was 9 201. But China has been successful in making it to torment.
5 km range of the telescope 9 thousand people living there moved elsewhere. North America, Puerto Rico until the eresibo abjarbhetari was the world's largest telisko. It is dayamitara 3 hundred meters.
According to Chinese scientists to understand and study more closely the new telescope in space, China said it would increase the capacity.

According to scientists the telescope weak radio signal may be easily caught. Apart from its presence in space have not yet part of the life support would not find this telescope is.

On the other hand US space agency NASA's plan by far the largest telescope in space is to wear. Millions of miles to find out that as far as this end sambhavanako life.
The most advanced Large Aperture Space Telescope (etielaesati) will be so great that the rockets could not get help as it is currently being prepared directly in space.
For this work in space, millions of miles away soon antariksayatriko team has been preparing to NASA. NASA to complete the project in 2030 has been. This telescope planet's atmosphere, and as far as 30 light years of the solar system may analyze.
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