Now a 10-minute passport!

Sunday in the country's history, the new service has started distribution of passport seekers on Sunday, 10 minutes, get a passport have to entertain.

Foreign, passport department started Sunday services with the direct registration system will soon pass Dang dhanauriki candakali assailants in her daily news in today's economic campaign.

Passport seekers who want to easily and quickly provided to the MRP machine-readable form of government in accordance with the direct registration and all the work the department bharnelagayata system is initiated by the Deputy Prime Minister Kamal Thapa Budhathoki passports are provided under the form of registration system .Direct full 10 minutes, her passport is made.

If all necessary documents by paying 15 thousand in one day passport (passport) could have been arranged by the Department. 12 thousand paid the application will follow the next day passport paid 10 thousand Rupee passport application can be given 2 days later. According to another general process when the process will be of old.


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