Kitabakhanale school teachers have reached the mandatory retirement age who continue to work the teachers have taken over the period has started to pay back. In the last three years, nearly seven million five hundred teachers have already been charging more. One teacher is 14 million more than the amount raised. The teacher must have reached the age of 60 years receive holiday. But a large number of more time working. 072/73 fiscal year in 1 hundred 33 people 60 years of age have tested harvesting work is made kitabakhanale pay back. General Sher dhunganaka kitabakhanaka the last fiscal year, according to one hundred and two million 20 million 33 injurious has been charging Rs 16 thousand. '60 Years, compulsory retirement to take the time necessary to work more than the state coffers by taking the monthly amount is provided back to be tested, "he said," to come to make pension lease is calculated by deducting the by. "One hundred and 51 injurious million in 2071/072 Rs 62 lakh 41 thousand eight hundred and 58 is favored by the office. 070/71 two hundred million 57 injurious 2 4 9 4 9 million more than the amount deducting has taken. Three months into the job, the teacher's personal and work equitable form (sitarola) must be filled out. This statement comes kitabakhanasamma chunk of Education office. This statement is already sure that filing by virtue of his when holiday.
Back to work to leave the teachers' salaries
Kitabakhanale school teachers have reached the mandatory retirement age who continue to work the teachers have taken over the period has started to pay back. In the last three years, nearly seven million five hundred teachers have already been charging more. One teacher is 14 million more than the amount raised. The teacher must have reached the age of 60 years receive holiday. But a large number of more time working. 072/73 fiscal year in 1 hundred 33 people 60 years of age have tested harvesting work is made kitabakhanale pay back. General Sher dhunganaka kitabakhanaka the last fiscal year, according to one hundred and two million 20 million 33 injurious has been charging Rs 16 thousand. '60 Years, compulsory retirement to take the time necessary to work more than the state coffers by taking the monthly amount is provided back to be tested, "he said," to come to make pension lease is calculated by deducting the by. "One hundred and 51 injurious million in 2071/072 Rs 62 lakh 41 thousand eight hundred and 58 is favored by the office. 070/71 two hundred million 57 injurious 2 4 9 4 9 million more than the amount deducting has taken. Three months into the job, the teacher's personal and work equitable form (sitarola) must be filled out. This statement comes kitabakhanasamma chunk of Education office. This statement is already sure that filing by virtue of his when holiday.
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