In Nepal, the daily average, 25 children were killed: statistics

In Nepal, one thousand eight hundred and eight years, five years, 34 children have died due to various diseases. Department of Health Services, Health Management Information System Study, according to the daily average of 25 children have died. 072 and 73 in the fiscal year four thousand, two hundred and 56 children fell ill while receiving treatment at the health posts and primary health and health institutions in the health management information system, according to premature death. At the hospital, four thousand eight hundred and 21 people lost their lives, according to the child. The risk groups are born 28 days. Within a year, easing from 2 9 5 9 days in 68 children have died of four hundred, five thousand two months to five years is mentioned 13 children died. The major cause of deaths of children under five years had diarrhea a few years ago. But now, pneumonia is the leading cause of death of children in both countries.
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