Dasadhunga twenty years after the accident and dependent wife's love at home

KATHMANDU: dasadhunga 23 years after the accident found a new home there are love lender. Earlier, she had been living before he was hired. 2050 year on June 3 in a mysterious accident dasadhungama UML General Secretary Madan Bhandari and the then head of the Organization Department come Jibraj isratako had died. Love jnavali asritaki be dharmapatni. Vidya Bhandari said the president are now.
He is living in a long time she had seen the Chabahil apartment. UML Kathmandu district committee cooperation in various sectors to build this home rations are idle. On Friday, he organized a program purbapradhanamantri and UML Chairman KP Oli have handed over the house. So to get home after the love and support of the party thanks to the donors can be. Speaking in an extraordinary work of the Chairman Oli said. He circulated GUlDE organization jivaraja dependent work to earn the country and people after that. He also cultivating the support of the party, thanks to the various committees.
2051 BS, then the family of Martyr Prime Minister Manmohan Adhikari had decided to provide land in accordance with the land provided by the government Sanu Shrestha, coordinator of the UML Valley Coordination Committee. The government has made land available due to the weak economic situation also love to be able to build the house where thienaakhila Nepal Women's Association, UML Valley Coordination Committee, Kathmandu district committee had initiated the construction of houses.
It is party time and buried the houses, including senior netaharusaga Committee Chairman Tulsi Thapa tap. UML Kathmandu District kamitile seven members elected a female leader Basil had formed a committee to home. In November 2071, the Committee initiated the construction of the house has been laid. Due to the absence of economic cooperation, including the earthquake and various construction could not take speed.
The first inhabitants of the astreliyama different working emoleko Radhika Pokharel 2 9 million made available by the economic cooperation after the construction of the motion was taken. Jnavali love and marriage Jibraj dependent aphranai Maiti village huts and opinion are inevitable, because their emotional well Sigh aphusaga always associate themselves become perpetrators Construction Committee Chairman Thapa.
The house has been established in the premises, including a statue of self-dependent. The statue was unveiled by Chairman Oli are also sukrabarai.
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