Miss ikaleja 2016 'on the application

Continued from the last 7 years has been organizing various beauty competitions, Miss ikaleja 2016 Season Media Pvt Ltd for the seventh edition of the application is open.
Valley, including a variety of peripheral college enrolling students from 16 years to 24 years of age, keeping guard Miss ikaleja 2016 "The project is going to be a season pradiparaja vantale said managing director of media. College level women to personality development, confidence building, leadership ability, including the ability to highlight the need for information and its application to the route in accordance with the same instruction as the person responsible to come forward to help the society in order to upayogi This program has been shown. The program will be made to participate in various kalejaharuvata 30 contestants. Participation for the first week of December until the application form may be filled season got media office. The winner of the competition "Miss ikaleja 2016" to crown the title of Rs 75 thousand rupees to get the scooter and high siksamo chatravrtti moment and there are other giphtahayampara receive.
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