10 amazing facts connected lasunasanga

Lusana bahuguni it is true. Meanwhile, even some places, it is used to cast aside those than you may believe. Lusunalai about 7 thousand years the human race has been using since. 1. And is used to cast the evil spirit had put madhyayuropama garlic. M2. Mosque in Islam is not to eat garlic before. Due to its smell. This is because many Hindus garlic match. 3. Eluyamaphobiya disease called fear lasunasanga medakila language. 4. Kapurasanga garlic consumed by fire, insects, including mosquito can be cast. This is mixed with water, mashed lusanalai almost kitanasada can be used as adjunct. 5. Lusanama 17 amino acids. Sarirale amino acids necessary thing to work correctly. At its large presence in the human body is. 6. The Chinese garlic to your diet halchana why so many species that have been relying on you, Jill said that there is another miracle. The total world production of garlic products in China is 66 percent lusana. 7. Lusanalai communicated War II, even as the gel used. Sulfur Scott after the option was used as a mouthwash. 8 lusana not only for the heart to remove kolastorela is also useful. This could save cold and cough is also pro-biotic.
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