The doctor added: Dr. And Dr. Kunjan. Sanchita

Maharajgunj Teaching Hospital nose, ear and throat specialist Dr. Kunjan eye specialist Dr. Acharya and Tilganga hospital said. Sanchita Sharma to know one another, 15 years have passed since then they have been the spouse is 10 years of age. Even if they met both at home najikajastai studying in MBBS only be reached Nepalgunj. Sanchita read MBBS Kunjan Nepalgunj when there were still a vasaarghidekhi. These two met in the hostel compound, living in the same vein, the introductory program is. Both mannaer paricayapachi. A year senior kunjanale Sanchita began reading help. Read together a year of study during the next year Sanchita herself in Nepalgunj. By then, they had an intimate relationship was already established. Talk for hours every day to meet one another and spending so far in these sajayajastai was living. Only after that was far from what they experience. Quit: they could during my stay. Even once a week as time began to fully meet. Sanchita worn down Kunjan tyampoma meet loitering Kohalpur Nepalgunj. Sanchita erenja not like marriage. Of course, all of his family erenja marriage is the marriage of love, but he was in favor. Sanchita is the first introductory meeting, she was attracted kunjanaprati. He hyandasama Kunjan, the total looks, personality seemingly simple and less influenced by her speech. Kunjan also bold, to take the lead khubie married life happy because I felt that sanjitasamga.
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