Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit, warned Indian police shoot bomb threat that is searching for. Indian National council meeting of the party during the Kozhikode to Modi was warned. Police were searching for people from such threats is said. An unknown person called the police station by the time the bomb attack on Modi's visit was warned. Modi condemned the bomb cetavanipachi security fence built for 7 Indian media reports. Modi's visit has been monitoring the activities of all three miles away is also mentioned in the news.
Narendra modimathi throw bomb terror threats
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit, warned Indian police shoot bomb threat that is searching for. Indian National council meeting of the party during the Kozhikode to Modi was warned. Police were searching for people from such threats is said. An unknown person called the police station by the time the bomb attack on Modi's visit was warned. Modi condemned the bomb cetavanipachi security fence built for 7 Indian media reports. Modi's visit has been monitoring the activities of all three miles away is also mentioned in the news.
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