The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority Revenue Office said team chief Gyanraj Lamsal seekers taken into PBF has been arrested on Wednesday. The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, Eastern Regional Office, Dhankuta major Rabindra Sharma led a team of Lamsal Thursday caught 40 thousand. Chief Revenue Officer Lamshal Siraha municipality 13 malhaniya Partar diphu sahasamga 40 thousand bribe money was taken. Shah was a land belonging lost revenue employee negligence. Days lost revenue for land, survey, including the District Administration Office five years dhairahamda not even heard of. Revenue for continuity in the work of employees who were delaying. A thousand dollars is no beginning, no karmacariharumadhye revenue of Rs 30 thousand to search the land, saying he has been demanding a bribe Saha told.
Revenue entered the PBF chief arrested
The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority Revenue Office said team chief Gyanraj Lamsal seekers taken into PBF has been arrested on Wednesday. The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, Eastern Regional Office, Dhankuta major Rabindra Sharma led a team of Lamsal Thursday caught 40 thousand. Chief Revenue Officer Lamshal Siraha municipality 13 malhaniya Partar diphu sahasamga 40 thousand bribe money was taken. Shah was a land belonging lost revenue employee negligence. Days lost revenue for land, survey, including the District Administration Office five years dhairahamda not even heard of. Revenue for continuity in the work of employees who were delaying. A thousand dollars is no beginning, no karmacariharumadhye revenue of Rs 30 thousand to search the land, saying he has been demanding a bribe Saha told.
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