September 17, because of the security agency, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to the market after South Korea back to its sale has started again. Similarly, in Europe on October 28 to protest again, the market has been preparing. The company during or after charging is explosive news Galaxy Note 7 was withdrawn from the market after the set. The company said the problem was padkanuma phone battery. It is set back from the market around 25 million per preexistence had been sold. South Korea sold 80 percent of the phone company also has been returned. Back to the 9 5 percent of these customers again set samasunakai the company has claimed that carrying a smartphone. It tells of a client's loyalty. Apple released the new iPhone the same time, Samsung's own new set of market on Wednesday is set to back up after a big deficit.
Samsung set the market again raised the market
September 17, because of the security agency, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to the market after South Korea back to its sale has started again. Similarly, in Europe on October 28 to protest again, the market has been preparing. The company during or after charging is explosive news Galaxy Note 7 was withdrawn from the market after the set. The company said the problem was padkanuma phone battery. It is set back from the market around 25 million per preexistence had been sold. South Korea sold 80 percent of the phone company also has been returned. Back to the 9 5 percent of these customers again set samasunakai the company has claimed that carrying a smartphone. It tells of a client's loyalty. Apple released the new iPhone the same time, Samsung's own new set of market on Wednesday is set to back up after a big deficit.
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