Nepalgunj. Birendra Chowk in Nepalgunj on Thursday placed a statue of the then King Birendra Police has been removed. Police removed the statue is now in Nepalgunj shutdown at midnight police have been deployed. 2062/063 to janaandonalapachi suddenly Thursday morning, a group of entrepreneurs hataiepani statue again statue was placed in a clash with police. "I am a nationalist" group of men dressed in shirt statue had written.
On Thursday morning, to re-establish the ex-Birendra Shah, saying it could jeopardize peace and the removal of the statue at midnight, police tightened security in Nepalgunj, the court made the intersection. The statue had re-established a strong counter to the nationalist youth self-expression constitutes Removing will Birendra's statue, police said security has been beefed up. Nepalgunj bridge Vic choke, choke Dhambojhi, Lal Chowk and bipicokalai security police laid siege to it.
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