know - hand line is that yoga is not looking to go abroad (video)

Kathmandu. His passion for becoming a candidate, saying most of the candidate and subtraction equations are being active. Among the candidates, some candidates to follow his army and moved ahead of dekhiekachan track. Nepal Federation of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday before the election, 1 hundred and 12 candidates, most of karyasamitikai face. 62 nomination for election unopposed except for half a dozen of senior vice president, two vice president and a member of if there is a strong competition. IHL has their own contribution in the field even though the ACC are the sons of the former federation elected to four. Mahesh Pradhan, the son of the former of which is open manisalala high jillanagara said another former member of the candidate's son Saurabh padmajyotika light esosietatarpha candidate member
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