Who came to marry a second husband jagiyamai srimatile took dragged

The video shows the moment when a furious wife dragged her husband from his wedding venue. Her husband was going to get married with another woman despite of having her in his life. She was so mad at him that she just appeared in his wedding venue and started beating him.

He told his to be second wife that he is divorced but his first wife told them that they are not divorced yet and they have a son together. The woman then beat him in the mass and dragged him to the police station.

It is  a crime to marry another woman when a person is already married. Woman are not allowed to be independent, they can't work or go for the education. They should rely on men and should only live under the four walls of their home. It is really a cursed for some women to born in some places where the women are treated as a material. The women do not have any rights and they cannot do anything that they want to do. They have to live under the command some men who think that they are superior and every woman must live under them.

This time they must have learn that girls are not just for pleasure or to satisfy their desires but when they get into form then they can be very destructive as well. If everyone will raise their voice against this kind of thing then definitely no one can set this kind of cheap mentality about the women and they will surely learn to respect them. The woman can't raise their voice for anything and no matter how far the world has developed but still we are lagging behind these thing.
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